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Stories That Matter

Meet the Couple Who Lives With 17 Kangaroos

Meet the Couple Who Lives With 17 Kangaroos
Theresa and Tony Matthews are the loving parents of 17 children – but they're not human children; they're all kangaroos.

Theresa and Tony Matthews may not have any human children, but they do care for 17 kangaroos.

That's because the Matthews are the masterminds behind Our Haven Wildlife Shelter – an animal rehabilitation center in Victoria, Australia. In addition to the 17 eastern grey kangaroos, they reportedly also care for 3 swamp wallabies and a pygmy possum.

The couple first became spurred to start caring for the joeys after a man drove up to their home in 2010 with an injured young kangaroo in hand, and asked if they knew how to care for injured wildlife.

Ever since they welcome the little roo – who they named Bobby – into their home, they have opened their doors to dozens of other injured animals.

"Because of our love for kangaroos, we just opened up our home to them," Theresa explained in an interview with Barcroft TV. "And this rescuing got bigger and got bigger."

(WATCH the video below)

Hop To It: Click To Share With Your Friends – Photo by Barcroft via Inside Edition

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