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Dog Chained Up During Flood Gets Adopted By The Man Who Saved Her

Dog Chained Up During Flood Gets Adopted By The Man Who Saved Her
Archer the dog was found chained up to a porch in rising floodwaters – now, she is safely curled up on a couch with the compassionate county sheriff.

The only thing that is now flooding around this poor Texan pup is tender love and care.

The dog was discovered by Sheriff Troy Nehls and a news crew from KPRC in Fort Bend County in heavy flooding last year. The dog was so overcome by the waters, only her head could be seen poking out above the surface.

WATCH: Dog Chained Up For 15 Years is Finally Freed

Nehls and one of the journalists then plunged into the water, untied the dog's leash, and hauled her into the rescue boat.

After taking the pup to the Humane Society where she was evaluated and deemed healthy, journalists reached out to the former owner of the dog who had skipped town for the hurricane. The man said that he did not believe the floodwaters would be high enough to harm the hound. He was allegedly unable to return to the home because of the flooding, but he was more than happy to relinquish ownership of the dog to the sheriff.

The Nehls family then agreed to adopt the dog and give her a loving forever home.

Additionally, they decided to name the dog Archer after the journalist who helped save her.

"There's a bond this dog and I have now that will remain with us. She's not tied up to a front porch," Neels told the Dodo. "Now she's in a home that is comfortable, she's sleeping on a bed and she gets constant attention from the family."

"I truly believe this dog has a new outlook on her life."

(WATCH the video below)

Click To Share The Pawesome Story With Your Friends – Photo by Troy Nehls

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