Watch Excited Dog's Reaction to Seeing Snowfall For the First Time
Truffle's reaction to the mysterious white substance on his sidewalk is the cutest way to start off your week.
While dogs might be man's best friend, this man is now definitely the best friend of Lisa the pup.
Lisa, also known as Adrienne, is a 2-year-old dog who was rescued by the Granville County Animal Shelter in Oxford, North Carolina when she was found on the streets with a severe bladder prolapse. Because the surgery for the prolapse was too serious, Lisa was sentenced to euthanization.
The charity volunteered the $1,500 necessary for the surgery, but they had no idea how they were going to get Lisa from North Carolina to the animal hospital before the deadline.
Paul Steklenski, who is the pilot in charge of a rescue organization called Flying Fur Animal Rescue, volunteered to fly the 750-mile round trip from his home in Pennsylvania, to pick up Lisa in North Carolina, and bring her to Westchester.
"It was a very emotional rescue because of when was at stake. I was exhausted by the end of the day," Steklenski told Metro. "The trip was the difference between life and death but now, given the proper care, Adrienne will live a perfectly normal life."
Lisa is now recovering from a successful surgery, after which she will be ready for adoption.
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