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Couple Gets Engaged Just Hours Before They Become Heroes At a Liquor Store

Couple Gets Engaged Just Hours Before They Become Heroes At a Liquor Store
"It wasn't how I pictured the night going."

Lucas Mayne and his fiancée are no doubt busy planning their wedding – and they are going to have a great story to tell about the night they got engaged.

It began on an evening when Mayne surprised his then-girlfriend with an engagement ring over a romantic dinner.

Afterward, the newly-engaged couple was driving home when the fiancée spotted a fire inside a liquor store.

Mayne is a passionate volunteer firefighter – so when he saw the fire in the liquor store he knew he had to take action.

"She looked at me and said, ‘You have to go to that, don't you?' And I said, ‘Yeah, I can't not,'" Mayne recalled.

He ran to a nearby fire station, got a truck, and went back to the liquor store to put the blaze out.

His fiancée got out of the car and handled crowd control while Mayne went to work.

The other firemen arrived shortly afterward and put out the blaze together. Thanks to Mayne, they were able to extinguish the fire fast enough so that it didn't overtake the whole building.

An engagement and a fight with a fire — all in a night's work!

CLICK to the link below to learn more about the couple's heroism – and remember to SHARE the romantic story with your friends

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