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Hero Cop Holds onto Van Dangling Over a Bridge Until Man Inside is Saved

Hero Cop Holds onto Van Dangling Over a Bridge Until Man Inside is Saved
When Martin Willis was first on the scene of an automotive accident this weekend, he used his own bare hands to keep the vehicle steady.

1st on the scene of this collision on the #A1M this morning and faced with a vehicle balancing over the edge of a bridge with the driver trapped! After holding on to the vehicle to stop it swaying in the wind I can't begin to desribe my relief when @WYFRS arrived on scene! pic.twitter.com/E8ilktlOl7


Not all superheroes wear capes – but after Martin Willis's heroic stunt on Friday morning, however, his colleagues have taken to calling him "Superman".

When Willis was the first cop to arrive on the scene of a traffic collision in West Yorkshire, England, he found that a van had crashed into the safety railing and was left teetering over the side of a bridge with the driver still inside.

As the vehicle swayed dangerously in the wind, Willis grabbed onto the underside of the car and held it steady until West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue arrived.

"First on the scene of a collision on the A1(M) this morning and faced with a vehicle balancing over the edge of a bridge with the driver trapped," said Willis on Twitter. "After holding on to the vehicle to stop it swaying in the wind I can't begin to describe my relief when West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue arrived on scene."

The driver was later taken to the hospital where his description was described as "serious, but not life-threatening", according to the Independent. If Willis had not been on the scene, the drop off of the bridge might have been fatal.

Despite being called a hero after the incident, Willis says that he was simply doing what any other motorway officer would do.

"I was only doing my job, but feel very honored to receive so much praise," says Willis.

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