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Labradoodle Fetches Hope For Girl In Long Term Treatment

Labradoodle Fetches Hope For Girl In Long Term Treatment
For a small girl, Caydence has defied long odds, born a hole in her heart. Mogie is the hospital pooch that put a smile back on this 4-yr-old's face.

For a small girl, Caydence Brannaman has defied long odds. Born ten weeks early with a hole in her upper heart chamber and Pulmonary hypertension, it was determined that she would need open heart surgery. Not only that, tests showed that Caydence had Pulmonary Vein stenosis, which sent her family on a journey across the country looking for a suitable  treatment.

By the time she got to the Ronald McDonald House near Texas Children's hospital, she was in serious need of some comfort.

"Everything was new to her. She was so unsure of everything. We told her about the play room, the outside area and how much fun she would have," said her grandmother, Patty. "But it was Mogie who turned Cayde back into that smiling little girl again."

Mogie the Labradoodle is the Ronald McDonald House's resident pup in Houston. He's not a service dog (and therefore not required to sit still), so playfulness abounds when the two are together.

"When I got out of the hospital I didn't feel very good, but Mogie would sit with me and give me kisses that made me feel better," Caydence told Good News Network.

The two became fast friends when Mogie was just one-year-old, and Caydence was four.

"Running around and chasing Mogie….the exercise was good for her, and she wanted to play, something that sometime sick kids like Cayde find hard to do," said Patty. "But when you're doing it with your buddy for fun, it's not like work."

Cayde and Mogie have celebrated birthdays and other major milestones together, and have since worked together to bring awareness to the RMH Houston at fundraising events (once they both got over their shyness).

Sometimes, Caydence still likes to shut off the world and be alone, and when she does, her retreat of choice is Mogie's dog house, where she'll watch a movie on her iPad as Mogie stands guard outside, looking in.

Grandma has also been soothed by Mogie.

"Even if I just wanted to go outside and have a good cry away from Carlee and Caydence, Mogie seemed to know. He would just sit there with me while I tried to find answers to questions I could not answer," Patty said. "Mogie was an amazing asset to Caydence's growth…he got me through some tough times while learning to cope."

Mogie still lives at RMH Houston where he provides love and support to hundreds of little ones throughout the year.

(WATCH videos of Mogie playing with Cayde and other children below)

Houston we have landed.. And look who is glad Cayde is back at her Houston Ronald Mcdonald Home. Mogie and Cayde get a little time together not so sure who missed each other more.. So lots of kisses and hugs and some fun.

Posted by Caydence's Spirit on Friday, January 3, 2014

Houston we have landed.. And look who is glad Cayde is back at her Houston Ronald Mcdonald Home. Mogie and Cayde get a little time together not so sure who missed each other more.. So lots of kisses and hugs and some fun.

Mogie lives at Ronald McDonald House Houston and spends his days comforting children with critical illnesses.

Posted by Mogie on Thursday, March 6, 2014

Mogie lives at Ronald McDonald House Houston and spends his days comforting children with critical illnesses.

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