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Earthlings Tweet Questions in Cyberspace, Astronaut Answers From Orbit

Earthlings Tweet Questions in Cyberspace, Astronaut Answers From Orbit
Astronaut Scott Kelly is answering questions from people around the world who tweet them with the hashtag #YEARINSPACE.

Here's what we know so far about astronaut Scott Kelly's "Year in Space" based on the Twitter questions he's gotten from earth: He can see his house from space, he bathes with a wet towel, and only one question has ever freaked him out.

Kelly is taking questions on Twitter from earthlings who tag their tweets with #YEARINSPACE.

We use a wet towel. It's amazing what you can get used to. https://t.co/YJnhDg8yss

I can see my house (and @NASA_Johnson) from @Space_Station! #Houston #YearInSpace pic.twitter.com/OFh1wihvit

Hey @StationCDRKelly, loving the photos. Do you ever look out the window and just freak out?

I don't freak out about anything, Mr. President. Except getting a Twitter question from you. https://t.co/AT0nvUXkq4


Kelly is spending a full year in space as commander of the International Space Station. You can ask him questions by including the hashtag #YEARINSPACE with your tweet, or follow the conversation on Twitter hashtag page.

(READ more at NBC ) – Photo: International Space Station, Twitter

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