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Child's Lemonade Fund-Raiser Marks 10 Years, $30 Million for Cancer

Child's Lemonade Fund-Raiser Marks 10 Years, $30 Million for Cancer
More than 10,000 volunteers hosted lemonade stands over the weekend to commemorate the 10th anniversary of a 4-year-old who first raised $2,000 for pediatric cancer while she was being treated for neuroblastoma.

More than 10,000 volunteers hosted lemonade stands over the weekend to commemorate the 10th anniversary of a 4-year-old who first raised $2,000 for pediatric cancer while she was being treated for neuroblastoma.

In 2000, Alex Scott told her parents that she wanted to open a lemonade stand to help doctors at her local hospital. By the time the little girl died in 2004, her efforts had raised $1 million. Her parents continue the work today leading a foundation in her name.

Even supermodel Cindy Crawford helped pour lemonade along with other celebrities in Hollywood to help support the ten years of work by Alex's Lemonade Stand.

(READ the full story at AOL News)

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