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Adopted Russian Orphan Raises $60,000 to Build Playground Back Home

Adopted Russian Orphan Raises $60,000 to Build Playground Back Home
Alex Griffith, 16, was adopted as a baby from a Krasnoyarsk, Russia, hospital. Now, he's raised more than $60,000 to design and build a playground for the Krasnoyarsk orphans remaining.

Alex Griffith, 16, was adopted as a baby from a Krasnoyarsk, Russia, hospital. Now, he's raised more than $60,000 to design and build a playground for the Krasnoyarsk orphans back home.

In light of recent news reports of adoptive parents returning a boy to Russia, a WS subscriber suggested I find a story that can better portray the reality of most adoptions — happy and loving parents nurturing compassionate children.

Alex — originally named Sergey — was adopted by a Maryland couple and brought to the US 16 years ago. While an infant in the orphanage, the baby weighed less than 2 pounds and doctors said he had a mild case of cerebral palsy. The couple nursed him back to health and later the teen found inspiration through a Boy Scout project, to give back to those Russians who helped him.

Watch the video below, or read the story at CNN Heroes. (Thanks to Rosemary for suggesting the story!)

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