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Stories That Matter

High School Sings Away Hate Group

High School Sings Away Hate Group
When the Kansas Hate group known at the Westboro Baptist Church announced it would picket a Bay Area School and Jewish Institutions, students at Gunn High School decided they could not sit by quietly. They organized a Love-in.

When the Kansas Hate group known at the Westboro Baptist Church announced it would picket a Bay Area School and Jewish Institutions, students at Gunn High School decided they could not sit by quietly. They organized a Love-in, waved homemade signs and attracted community support.

Meanwhile, a student at a different school had the same idea, but with a financial twist: to turn a negative into a positive by raising funds for charity. Jason set up a donation table across the street from a hate rally in his neighborhood and collected funds for donations to a civil rights group, a Jewish charity and AIDS foundation. The money will be donated in the name of the Westboro Baptist Church.

WATCH their inspiring rallies below.

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