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UPDATE: Janitor Who Was Surprised by His Students Finally Gets to Feel Like a 'Trillionaire' On His Vacation

UPDATE: Janitor Who Was Surprised by His Students Finally Gets to Feel Like a 'Trillionaire' On His Vacation
Students love this janitor so much, they all banded together to send him on vacation - and now, they finally get to see the fruits of their labor.

A beloved janitor is finally getting a much-deserved vacation after he was surprised by 230 university students back in June.

Herman Gordon is a custodian at Bristol University in England. Described adoringly as a "legend" and "hero" of the school, the students took to one of their school social media pages so they could talk about how much they loved Herman and his "jolly" disposition.

One of the students in particular made a post about how Herman had not been able to see his family in Jamaica for four years - so the young adults banded together to raise money for the 65-year-old janitor to visit his family.

The students all donated to a JustGiving page that eventually managed to raise over $2,000 (£1,500); enough for a one-week vacation to Jamaica for Herman and his wife Denise.

One of the young donors surprised Herman with the gift by handing him an envelope filled with cash. As the student filmed the emotional moment, Herman can be seen breaking down into tears, overwhelmed by the compassionate gesture.

The video was shared thousands of times - and now, the students get to see the wonderful fruit of their labor.

Herman and Denise recently published photos of their glamorous two-night stay at the Sandals Resort in Motego Bay, saying that they are finally getting to celebrate their 23rd wedding anniversary.

The lovebirds got to enjoy a couple's massage and candlelit dinner at the 5-star resort before they head off to see Herman's family in Kingston.

After Herman released photos of his celebrity treatment, he wrote to the Bristol students, saying: "God bless you all. Everybody will see this and think that I'm a trillionaire."

Denise chipped in as well, adding: "I just wanted to say thank you to all the University of Bristol students for this gift that they have given to me and Herman."

Judging by how the students talk about the Jamaican janitor, however, it seems like it was the least they could do for such a compassionate man.

"All year round, this man works hours on end to provide us with a clean working space in which to study," one of the students wrote in the original social media fundraising thread. "But most importantly, his undying positive energy and chit-chat has managed to turn many students' dark days into positive ones filled with joy. Whether you're just feeling generally down and out or stressed out due to exams, Herman is always there to speak to you."

"This legend proves that happiness is not about what you own, what job you have or how much money you've got, but about appreciating what you currently have in life."

Be Sure And Share This Sweet Story Of Kindness With Your Friends - Photos by Sandals

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