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Hero Siblings Lift Overturned SUV From Roadside Ditch to Save Couple and Baby

Hero Siblings Lift Overturned SUV From Roadside Ditch to Save Couple and Baby
Jolisa Jones and Aaron Allen did not hesitate to jump into action when they saw a family in trouble earlier this week.

These siblings could be a crime-fighting duo judging by their actions earlier this week.

Aaron Allen and Jolisa Jones, both of whom work at Ashley Furniture in Tampa, Florida, were driving a delivery truck down the highway when they saw a car side-swipe the SUV that was driving in front of them.

The SUV tumbled off the road and was turned upside down into a nearby creek – and without hesitation, the siblings leapt into action.

As they approached the damaged vehicle, they saw that there was water seeping into the passenger area where a couple and their 11-day-old baby were belted in.

Allen failed to break the window open with his fist, so he and Jones hauled the car right-side up before he wrapped his tee shirt around his fist, punched the windshield out, and helped the family to safety.

According to Fox 13, the couple was unharmed, although the baby was taken to the hospital as a precaution.

Meanwhile, Allen says that he was simply doing what he hopes anyone else would do.

"If I was in that situation, I would want someone to come to my rescue, honestly," he told the news outlet. "I would want someone to help me."

(WATCH the video below)

Be Sure And Share The Heroic Story With Your Friends – Photo by Jolisa Jones

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