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14-Year-old Sold So Many Homemade Cupcakes in One Year, He Took His Entire Family to Disney World

14-Year-old Sold So Many Homemade Cupcakes in One Year, He Took His Entire Family to Disney World
Not many 14-year-olds can say that they paid for their own trip to Disney World, let alone paid for their entire family vacation.

Some kids try to earn a little extra pocket change by mowing the lawn; others might try to wash cars; but Isaiah Tuckett has earned himself thousands of dollars simply by baking cupcakes.

The 14-year-old boy has been serving baked goods to the people of Madison, Minnesota ever since he made his first batch of cupcakes with this grandma two years ago.

Coincidentally, Isaiah embraced his new hobby just as the town bakery closed up shop, making him the only homemade baked goods source for 30 miles in any direction.

Isaiah began selling his cupcakes at $20 per dozen for birthdays, graduation parties, proms, reunions, funerals, and weddings.

With his little business booming, Isaiah resolved to start saving his earnings for a very special new goal: he wanted to take his family to Disney World.

Isaiah had always wanted to go to Disney World, but his family could never afford it. In just one short year of baking cupcakes, however, Isaiah had saved up enough money to pay for the Disney World tickets, airfare, and hotel rooms for his mom, dad, sister, brother, sister-in-law, and nephew – roughly $4,500 in total.

Though Isaiah told KARE11 that he was "surprised" he managed to reach his goal in a year, he now plans on saving up his cupcake earnings so he can buy a new truck when he turns 16. After that, he plans to attend culinary school.

(WATCH the KARE11 news coverage below) – Photo by the Tuckett family

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