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If You've Ever Taken a Picture That Embodies Kindness, Then It Could Win You Some Cash in This Photo Contest

If You've Ever Taken a Picture That Embodies Kindness, Then It Could Win You Some Cash in This Photo Contest
Photographers from all over the world are being asked to submit pictures that embody kindness and compassion – and the entries from last year are gorgeous.

Research has shown that viewing images of peace, kindness, and compassion has a dramatic impact on a person's happiness and wellbeing – and that's why photographers from all over the world are now being asked to share their kindest photos.

Envision Kindness, a nonprofit organization dedicated to spreading media positivity, is holding their third annual photography contest for images that embody kindness.


"Every day, people are exposed to negative images, stories, and experiences," says David Fryburg, founder of Envision Kindness. "We know that this exposure is stressful to the viewer—it causes anger, anxiety, depression, and can affect behavior, disconnecting people from one another."

"To help counterbalance the negative, we want to share diverse, positive images like those submitted to the contest on a regular basis. We know that these images have great power to bring out joy, gratitude, optimism, love, and compassion."


Last year's contest received more than 2,000 images from photographers in over 100 countries – and the results were breathtaking.

Currently, there is just a few more weeks left to submit to the 2019 Our World is Kind Photography Contest, and the Envision Kindness team is hoping that this year will garner another stunning set of images.

The contest is open to anyone 18 years or older until it closes on June 30th. There is no fee to enter and all submissions are eligible to win up to $500 in cash prizes.


Be Sure And Share The Good News With Your Photography Friends On Social Media…

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