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Despite Being Homeless, High School Valedictorian Graduates With Over $3 Million in College Scholarships

Despite Being Homeless, High School Valedictorian Graduates With Over $3 Million in College Scholarships
This 17-year-old high school student managed to graduate with over $3 million in college scholarships – and he did it all while dealing with homelessness.

A 17-year-old high school valedictorian has become a prime example of how anything is possible – now matter what your circumstances are.

After his father passed away earlier this year, Tupac Mosby and his family fell behind on their bills and were evicted from their home in Memphis, Tennessee in February.

Despite dealing with the death of his father and being homeless for much of his senior year, Tupac graduated from Raleigh Egypt High School this week with a 4.3 GPA.

Not only did Tupac graduate as his school valedictorian, he also received over $3 million in scholarships and was accepted into 40 different colleges.

The teen will reportedly be studying electrical engineering at Tennessee State University in Nashville starting in the fall. He was recently moved into permanent housing, but he says that he hopes his experience will inspire other people to persevere in the face of adversity.

"Never let your current situation, whatever circumstances you're going through, be a mountain that you can't climb," he told reporters.

(WATCH the interview below) – Photo by Shelby County Schools

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