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101-Year-Old Woman Rappels Down Skyscrapers for Charity (WATCH)

101-Year-Old Woman Rappels Down Skyscrapers for Charity (WATCH)
At more than a hundred years old, this woman isn't afraid of rappelling down a 500 foot tower to raise money for her favorite charity.

At 101-years-old, Doris Long occupies herself with charity work — defined as rappelling down the sides of skyscrapers to raise money for others.

Her latest descent was down the side of the 560-feet tall Spinnaker Tower in Portsmouth, England to support a hospice in her hometown of Waterlooville. It's the 14th time she's done it for The Rowans Hospice.

She didn't even take up rappelling, or abseiling as it's called in the UK, until she turned 85.


That excursion down the Spinnaker Tower also let Long reclaim her title in the Guinness Book of World Records as "The World's Oldest Abseiler."

She already has plans to repeat the stunt next year, increasing the $17,000 total she's raised for charity by continuing to lower herself off tall buildings.

(WATCH the video or READ more at Mashable) Photo: Spinnaker Tower video

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