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Volunteers in Philadelphia Help Toads Mate

Spring means breeding season for toads and, in Philadelphia, that means closing off a city street so the tiny creatures are safe from traffic as they seek their mates. Each year for the month of April, 150 volunteers organize the Toad Detour

Philadelphia Graffiti Wiped Out With Thousands of Artist Murals

Twenty-six years ago, Jane Golden took to the streets of Philadelphia with a small contingent of helpers and the goal of wiping out the city's ugly graffiti. Today, 3,000 walls later, her work has become the nation's largest public art program, with a staff of 50 – many of whom are former graffiti artists themselves.

A Green Leader, Philadelphia Captures Water Where it Falls

Every year storm-water run-off causes nearly 10 trillion gallons of polluted water to be dumped into America's rivers and oceans. As cities across the country struggle to comply with federal regulations surrounding pollution, Philadelphia is emerging as a model of innovation in water management by opting for cost effective natural solutions that save its two rivers from excessive run-off.