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Korean Leaders Declare Commitment to Peace

Almost a year after North Korea tested an atomic weapon, the nation's leader pledged to permanently shut-down nuclear operations by year's end and pursue peace with South Korea, as the two nations wrapped up their historic summit as the world's last cold war opponents.

South Korea Promoting Bicycle Use

"South Korea announced a campaign Monday to promote bicycle use as a way to cope with heavy traffic, air pollution and soaring global oil prices. The ministry said it will increase the number of bicycle-only roads and bicycle racks and revise related ordinances."

Ontario and South Korea Sign New Green Energy Deal

Canadian Premier Dalton McGuinty has signed a landmark agreement with a South Korean consortium to generate 2,500 megawatts of wind and solar power in Ontario, providing clean electricity to 580,000 households and 16,000 new jobs over six years.

South Korea Allows Food Aid to North Korea

South Korean civic groups received the okay to deliver eight trucks of food aid to North Korea Friday. The 180 tons of flour is being delivered to hospitals, schools and day care centers with the hope that the measure will also lead to a softening of strained inter-Korean relations, following the passing of North Korea's leader.

Saudi King Moves to Tackle 'Abnormally High' Oil Prices

Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah will convene a meeting next week of the world's major oil producers to discuss ways of dealing with soaring fuel prices. King Abdullah "acknowledged that the current oil price is abnormally high, due to speculative factors, and he is willing to do what he can to manage the price of oil to the adequate level."

Saudi Women Defy Driving Ban

In their own brief moment of 'Arab Spring', Saudi women got behind the wheel and drove through their towns Friday, a defiant act against the law banning women drivers in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia to Donate $1 Billion to Rebuild Gaza

The Saudi King said Monday his country will donate $1 billion to help rebuild the Gaza Strip after the devastating Israeli offensive halted recently by a fragile ceasefire. The King said his country's $1 billion donation for Gaza would go to a proposed fund Arabs are setting up to rebuild the seaside territory.