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Coffee Helps Rwanda Move Forward 20 Years After Genocide

Coffee Helps Rwanda Move Forward 20 Years After Genocide
This week marks the 20th anniversary of the Rwandan Genocide. Coffee has played a role in the creation of worthwhile livelihoods for a half million people.

This week marks the 20th anniversary of the start of the Rwandan Genocide that claimed the lives of up to a million members of that country's minority. The journey back from that insanity has not been an easy one, but coffee has played a key role in the creation of worthwhile livelihood for many of those remaining.

Inspired by Rwandan President Paul Kagame's call for "trade – not aid", Grace Hightower De Niro created the company Grace Hightower & Coffees of Rwanda.

Hightower wanted to establish a venture that could simultaneously empower Rwandans and help them restructure their economy. The passionate initiative is now responsible for creating livelihoods for over 500,000 coffee farmers in Rwanda.

Each bag of hand-picked and sorted coffee ($12.50 for 12 oz) goes directly toward sustaining a family for an entire year. As the redevelopment of the country continues, Grace Hightower & Coffees of Rwanda allows farmers the opportunity to market their unique products to the world.

Grace Hightower De Niro started the company in New York City offering a unique coffee line in 4 different blends. With every purchase, consumers are helping to support the future of the people in Rwanda, Africa.

(WATCH the video below)

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