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Inspiration Point: Your Flaw May Be A Strength

My dad, now 90, told this story to me many times. It illustrates how our greatest challenges or problems in life can become our best opportunities for unthinkable success. What looks like an obstacle may be the natural step toward greatness.

Citizen Proposes 10 Steps to Citywide Peace

Dwayne Lee of Milwaukee proposed a Summer Peace Plan for city residents. His calls for understanding others' shortcomings and challenges, and for getting to know your neighbors, are just as useful to those who don't live in the city.

Encouraging Teen Philanthropy

Jewish teenagers from 37 American communities have been personally inspired by Harold Grinspoon and his teen philanthropy programs to establish personal endowment funds using a portion of their b’nai mitzvah gift money.

Feathers Fly in Tel Aviv Pillow Fighting

"Israelis try to cushion the effects of their daily stress by taking part in the third annual mass pillow fight. While Israeli forces attack in Gaza and the regional conflict seemed far from an end, residents of the coastal city of Tel Aviv engage in some stress-busting scuffles involving pillows."