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Showing 3589 - 3600 of 3,800 Posts

Praising All Great Customer Service and Random Good Deeds

I like this idea very much: In Bradenton, Florida, the local newspaper prints readers' praise for extra special service received in their community. I've always wanted to feature personal reports of excellent customer service. Great service occurs much more often than people think. First these from Bradenton, then, my own… The owner of Healthy Home […]

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Old Computers Rescued, and Donated to the Poor

A computer geek named Oso came up with an elegant solution to the problems of too many old computers piling up — and where do you put them — and, low-income families being left behind in the digital age. It is a brilliant concept: Oso and his cool-geeky friends in Portland collect the old ones, refurbish them […]

Hating Your Fortune? Remember Will

Whenever I'm feeling down about myself, cursing my bad luck, and crying out to Gods of fate who hear me not, Whenever I'm wishing I had another's life and fortune, longing for more friends, and stronger disposition...

Blessed by a Burger

I was hungry and lonely and couldn't decide which to do, go get food, or stay with friends... I said a quick prayer, "God, I really don't know what to do right now. Help me out, will you?"