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School Behind Bars Elevates Juveniles Who Need Hope

There is a school at one Virginia county juvenile detention center where troubled youths work toward high school diplomas and credit their teachers with saving their lives from ruin. The jail's educational program is a little-known entity within Fairfax County Public Schools that offers the students hope for better days ahead.

Couple Prepares to Spend their 80th Valentine's Day Together

For many couples, Valentine's Day will be spent exchanging chocolates and going out to expensive, candlelit dinners. But the romantic holiday holds little appeal to George and Catherine Guiles, who have been married for 73 years. They have learned to see every day together as special.

Love With a Side of Fries: McDonald's Inspired High School Sweethearts Marry After 30 Years

The McDonald's in Crystal, Minnesota brings back golden memories to Steve Rydberg going clear back to the 1960s when he met his high school sweetheart while flipping burgers there. This week he celebrated a reunion with the girl for whom he was so smitten as a teen -- a reunion that led to love and marriage in his near-golden years. Hiding behind the McDonald's grill, he surprised his wife returning to the place they first met. (Video)

After 50 Years, Mom and Daughter Finally, Joyfully Meet

After years of fruitless searching, Facebook -- along with a maiden name -- delivered the keys to a long-awaited meeting Tuesday at a restaurant in Florida. When Stephanie Phillips and her mother first saw each other, the two hugged with tears in their eyes for a long time, not letting go.

Recycle Old Cell Phones for Cash, Reduce Waste

You probably know already that you should recycle your old mobile phones, for a bunch of environmental reasons. But those phones stored in the back of your drawers or cupboards are actually worth cash money to you. Some phones can net you a few hundred bucks. Even older models can fetch $20 or so. Check out how to easily trade your phone for cash.

Where to Donate Your Old Stuff

My wife and I recently realized that we have a lot of stuff collecting dust. Instead of saving it all in case we need 10 years hence, why not give it to someone who needs it now? In case you feel the same way, here are some useful places to donate all types of things

Recession Upside: U.S. Teen Births Hit All-time Low

The U.S. teen birth rate in 2009 fell to its lowest point in almost 70 years of record-keeping — a decline that stunned experts who believe it's partly due to the recession. It was a 6 percent decline from the previous year, and the lowest since health officials started tracking the rate in 1940.