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Pride of Britain Awards Salute Heroes

Pride of Britain Awards Salute Heroes
he Pride of Britain award winners for 2006 were honored Tuesday. The inspiring examples of courage, compassion and bravery included brothers who spotted a group of three adults being swept out to sea...

The Pride of Britain award winners for 2006 were honored Tuesday in a gala event featuring the Beckhams, Rod Stewart, Jude Law, Prince Charles and Tony Blair. The inspiring examples of courage, compassion and bravery included Daniel and Jason Rodd: "The brothers were 14 and 12 when they spotted a group of three adults being swept out to sea… Against their mother Carol's wishes, and as other adults simply looked on, the boys jumped into the sea with their body boards." … (Link submitted by WS member, lottery_dreams)

Another pair of honorees were inspired to try to raise the number of black donors of bone marrow when their son was diagnosed with leukaemia and found that only 550 of 285,000 potential UK bone marrow donors were non-white and fit as a potential match. This year is the 10th anniversary of their charity and they have raised the number of black donors in the UK to nearly 20,000. (Daily Mail) Read about past winners at Pride of Britain Website

(Thanks to WS supporter Lottery Dreams for submitting the story idea)


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