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Showing 1129 - 1140 of 1,426 Posts

How to Win Money for Losing Weight and Getting Fit

HealthyWage and other websites now offer money in exchange for improving your health and fitness. HealthyWage isn't the only company to jump on the motivation money train. Competitors such as DietBet.com, GymPact and StickK ask users to put their hard-earned cash on the line in hopes of getting healthy and wealthy.

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New Study Suggests Many Apples a Day Keep the Blues at Bay

Eating more fruit and vegetables may make young people calmer, happier and more energetic in their daily life, new research from New Zealand's University of Otago suggests. Department of Psychology researchers investigated the relationship between day-to-day emotions and food consumption. The results showed a strong day-to-day relationship between more positive mood and higher fruit and vegetable consumption, but not other foods.

10 Nutrients That Can Lift Your Spirits

If you want some pep in your step or a dash of good cheer, look no further than the grocery store's shelves. Not only are foods rich in vitamins, minerals and fatty acids healthful, but studies show they can also increase happiness, lessen symptoms of depression and quell anxiety. How can foods improve our moods? It all comes down to the brain. A healthy cognitive system is essential to regulating mood.

90-Year-old Feels As Good As She's Ever Felt

Phyllis Sues says she is not aware of being almost 90 years old. I'm physically as good as I have ever felt and mentally even better. People ask her all the time what's her secret. She tells them to move -- every day.

Progress Being Made on Many Fronts, Says UN Health Agency

Progress in many areas of public health are a cause for optimism said the head of WHO, the UN's World Health Organization, including three particularly encouraging trends: an increased investment in health systems; recognition of the reality of climate change by world leaders; and the resurgence of interest in primary health care, including the record-breaking effort to slash measle deaths in children.

Girl's Dental Hygienist Notices Yellowish Eyes to Save Her Life

Imagine taking your little girl to the dentist for a routine cleaning and having it lead directly to a 9-hour major medical surgery the following Friday. The surgery saved 11-year-old Journee's life and it was due to the diligence of a dental hygienist who was concerned because the whites of the her eyes seemed yellow.

Healing on Her Mind; Surviving a Brain Tumor

Oncologists considered Cheryl's tumor incurable and gave her 3-6 months. Yet more than two years later Clark not only survives, but thrives.Clark’s stunning recovery is due to a holistic approach that starts with an intensive nutritional program designed by nutritionist and Ph.D., Jeanne Wallace.

New Breast Cancer Drugs Show Big Promise

New cancer studies published yesterday are generating considerable excitement and anticipation among cancer specialists, who said in interviews that the results are some of the strongest data seen in years for new breast cancer therapies.

Defying Parkinson's With Dance (Video)

Once a week, an elderly couple heads to an unusual Chicago dance class tailored for Parkinson's patients. Their disease is checked at the door as they lose themselves in the slow and graceful movement.

Wasabi Gives Health Boost as a Fiery Condiment

Wasabi lovers may want to add more than a small pinch to their soy sauce the next time they go to their local sushi bar. The green paste, made from a fiery root called Wasabia Japonica, it is not only the perfect accompaniment to raw fish - it has also been found to possess numerous health benefits.