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Showing 1405 - 1416 of 1,426 Posts

The Amazing Benefits Of Sleep

In the modern world, most of us live in a supercharged society where energetic activity always seems to take precedence over the simple common sense awareness of our basic need to get enough sleep. Here are some of the benefits of sleep.

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Trans Fats Banned in California Restaurant Food

Doctors across the United States commended California which enacted legislation on Friday making it the first U.S. state to prohibit restaurants from preparing food with trans fats, which clog arteries and raise the risk of heart disease.

Great Natural Remedies: 16 Herbs for Your Medicine Cabinet

Scientific studies come and go. But there is evidence that accumulates slowly over many years that support, sometimes ancient, claims that herbs can provide medicinal help for ailments such as stomach upset, hot flashes, depression, nausea and indigestion. The weight of the evidence clearly shows that these 16 herbs, some of which are already in your kitchen, are safe (with certain caveats) and effective, and deserve a place in your medicine cabinet.

'Drones for Good' Offers Flying Ambulance Toolkit

Every year a million people suffer from cardiac arrest in Europe and face a mere 8% survival rate due to slow response times of emergency services. Alec Momont seeks to improve existing emergency infrastructure with a network of drones capable of saving lives. His drone can speed to a location within 1 minute, when it would take an ambulance ten.