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What Cancer Patients Want Most - To Laugh (Help Them do it)

It's not just an "old adage" that tells us laughter is the best medicine these days. Scientists, doctors, mental health professionals, and patients themselves call humor a remedy for any ailment -- at least temporarily. In the book, 20 Things People with Cancer Want You to Know, the #1 statement in a recent survey of more than 600 survivors is, "I need to laugh – or just forget about cancer for a while." Now there is a resource and you can contribute to the funny file.

Inmates Find Health and Solace in Yoga

When many states have cut their wellness and education programs for inmates, citing cost and political pressure, some wardens looking for a low-cost, low-risk way for inmates to reflect on their crimes, improve their fitness and cope with the stress of overcrowded prison life are turning toward yoga.

Today is 'Drug Take-Back Day' to Safely Dispose of Unwanted Prescription Drugs

The Drug Enforcement Administration has scheduled another National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day to take place at thousands of sites around the U.S. today. During the third Drug Take-Back Day in 2011, Americans turned in more than 188.5 tons of unwanted or expired medications for safe and proper disposal. The 5,327 drop off locations were available in all 50 states and U.S. territories.

Stop Being Negative, Live at Least a Decade Longer

A 1986 study from which researchers analyzed the autobiographical essays of 678 nuns, written in their early 20s, who had entered an American convent in the 1930s, found that those in the top 25 percent on the optimism scale lived on average up to 10 years longer. The implications of this astonishing finding in our increasingly health-conscious age should be enormous.

Success of Boy Born Without Cerebellum a Mystery to Doctors

According to conventional medical wisdom, three-year-old Chase Britton shouldn't be able to walk. He shouldn't be able to stand, let alone balance himself as he puts one foot in front of the other. The fact that he even breathes on his own is nothing short of remarkable. He is, quite simply, a medical miracle.