23-Year-old Invents Method to Break Down Unrecyclable Plastic Film into Valuable Liquids
Not a lot of this type of plastic is actually recycled – but a 23-year-old college student has found a simple way to turn it all into essential liquid.
Not a lot of this type of plastic is actually recycled – but a 23-year-old college student has found a simple way to turn it all into essential liquid.
After years spent dreaming about walking independently, this youngster's excitement is so palpable – and contagious – after her hard work pays off.
Upon waking up from a month-long coma, Angela had no idea who Jeff was – even though they had been married for years. Luckily, they got an "I do"-over.
The unusual gesture was considered a fitting final act for Tammy Waddell – a devoted teacher and compassionate mentor.
The "game-changing" discovery suggests that the earth underneath the Arctic ice sheets may have a natural way of preventing further ice loss.
This little guy may not have survived much longer if it had not been for some hawk-eyed fishermen who were watching the horizon.
This pristine patch of redwoods has been a well-kept secret for over a century – and soon, it will be ready for everyone to enjoy for free.
An anonymous stranger is being credited for saving the life of a California police officer who was in very grave danger earlier this month.
The take-back program isn't just a great way to save good furniture from ending up in landfills – it's also an ingenious business strategy.
The story behind this young man's death is being shared across Chinese social media and inspiring change.
"We were all just in shock looking at him, hoping and praying a train wouldn't come," an onlooker told CBC News.
This youngster will stop at nothing to help save the Doberman who has cared for him through all of his anxiety and health issues.