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Watch the Joyous Reaction of 4-Year-old Girl With Cerebral Palsy Taking Her First Steps

Watch the Joyous Reaction of 4-Year-old Girl With Cerebral Palsy Taking Her First Steps
After years spent dreaming about walking independently, this youngster's excitement is so palpable – and contagious – after her hard work pays off.

A 4-year-old girl with cerebral palsy is melting hearts all over the internet after her parents published a video of her taking her very first steps without a cane.

Maya Tisdale was born as a micro preemie weighing only 1 pound back in 2013. She was then diagnosed with spastic diplegia cerebral palsy at 2 years old.

"Maya's type of CP causes the muscles in her hips, legs and feet to be tight or spastic," says the family's YouCaring page. "Because of her CP, Maya is currently unable to stand on her own for more than a few seconds, or walk without the use of walker.

"Despite these challenges, Maya gives it her all every day. If her brothers play baseball, she plays baseball; if her friends are climbing a snow bank, she's right behind them in her walker. She has an incredible will and a tenacious attitude."

Because the youngster has always wanted to walk on her own, she underwent a special surgery seven weeks ago that was meant to reduce the pain of walking and increase her mobility. The doctors said that with intensive physical therapy, she was expected to start walking independently within six months to a year following the procedure.

So when she finally took her first steps at the Tisdale's home in Traverse City, Michigan, it was an emotional moment for the entire family.

Maya's parents and brother can be heard encouraging the youngster as she finally stands up – and after she takes a shaky step, Maya's face breaks into a beaming smile.

"I'm walking! … I'm walking!" cheers Maya. "Yes! … I even took a big step."

The achievement has been called a "dream come true" by her family.

"Now that her spasticity is gone (or nearly gone) she is able to do so many things that we never thought possible and is clearly more comfortable and happy," says Maya's parents. "She loves sitting criss cross on the floor, walking with her canes, flexing her feet, wiggling her toes and most of all dancing."

If you would like to help pay for Maya's medical bills and health-related expenses, you can donate to their YouCaring page.

(WATCH the video below)

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