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Three Young Men Become Heroes After Saving Blind Man Who Fell on Subway Tracks

Three Young Men Become Heroes After Saving Blind Man Who Fell on Subway Tracks
"We were all just in shock looking at him, hoping and praying a train wouldn't come," an onlooker told CBC News.

Three young men – two of whom have not been identified – are being hailed as heroes after they saved a blind man who had fallen onto a set of subway tracks last week.

After witnessing the rescue on Thursday afternoon, Julie Caniglia wrote about the incident on Facebook.

According to Caniglia, she had been standing at the Broadview subway station in Toronto when she heard a sound that gave her "the fright of her life."

"When my subway car pulled up … I heard a faint voice call out ‘help, help me please'," writes Caniglia. "It wasn't coming from anyone in the car and after hearing it again I stood up and looked out on the platform.

"Suddenly, and all very quickly, [I] … saw a man with a walking cane lying on the tracks."

The man was blind, and he had fallen onto the rails below. Thankfully, three bystanders leapt into action.

Without hesitation, 24-year-old Kyle Busquine jumped onto the tracks and – with the help of two other men on the platform – they were able to hoist the blind man to safety.

"We were all just in shock looking at him, hoping and praying a train wouldn't come," Caniglia told CBC News. "It was probably all within less than a minute but it seemed like hours.

"Knowing that the worst thing possible could happen and it was out of everyone's control was really just the most frightening thing I've ever seen," she added.

Though the other two men have not come forward, Busquine says that he wouldn't have been able to rescue the endangered commuter without their help.

Paramedics reportedly escorted the injured man to the hospital so he could be treated for his minor injuries.

Save Your Friends From Negativity And Share The Inspiring Story – Photo by Julie Caniglia 

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