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Jeanne Goddard

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Mom Crafts Superhero Capes for Ailing Kids Nationwide

One mother is giving more than 1,700 sick children a reason to smile. Robyn Rosenberger crafts capes to give children with terminal illnesses a chance to feel special – to feel like superheroes. "She doesn't just deliver capes, she bolsters children," one child's mother told TODAY. "It's Robyn that turns them into superheroes."

FDA Approves Drug That Reverses Heroin Overdoses

In response, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration yesterday approved a prescription treatment that can be used by family members or caregivers in an emergency to aid a person who may be overdosing on heroin, morphine or other opiates. The injection treatment rapidly delivers a single dose of the drug naloxone via a hand-held auto-injector that can be carried in a pocket or stored in a medicine cabinet.Read More

Baby Laughing Hysterically at Ripping Paper

Laughter is good for our health, so I enjoy sharing videos of babies that are sure to make most people giggle. In this home video, the baby thinks it is hilarious when her father tears some paper.

Mom's Nose-Blowing Scares - then Thrills - Baby

With millions of hits on YouTube this home video shows a 5-month-old boy who isn't sure what to think when mom blows her nose. Sometimes he's terrified, then he can't stop laughing.