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New Bikes Help Kids Get to School in Zambia

With the goal of making it easier for thousands of children in Africa to get to school, World Bicycle Relief plans to give away 50,000 bicycles in Zambia, where long distances and a lack of transportation keeps many children from going to school.

From Bush to Bikes, a Bamboo Revolution

Zambikes, a company set up by two Californians and two Zambians is aimed to build bikes tough enough to handle the local terrain using fast-growing bamboo.

To Mother with Love on Mother's Day

A sweet new video by ChildFund International in honor of Mother's Day features kids from around the world in Sri Lanka, India, Zambia, Ecuador and other countries saying "I love you, Mom" in their native languages.

Vital Medicine Rides Coke's Distribution Network Into Remote African Villages

Simon Berry is piggy-backing on Coca-Cola's distribution system to bring life-saving medicine to the places that need it most. Thanks to a vast network of local suppliers, you can get a Coke almost anywhere money changes hands. In the 1980s, Berry was an aid worker in Zambia, and when he looked at Coke's success, he saw an opportunity. Today his essential health kits for treating diarrhea are made to fit exactly inside the empty space between beverage bottles in Coke delivery crates.

Win-Win! Reducing Human Poverty Eliminates Poaching in Zambian Valley

Over a decade ago when conservationists in Zambia figured out the connection between poverty and poaching, when they learned the reason poachers hunted game was to feed their family, a great program called COMACO was hatched. By educating women and poachers in farming, bee-keeping, carpentry, and metal working, they were improving villagers lives and poaching of lions, elephants and other large species began to plummet.