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Showing 461 - 480 of 596 Posts

Taliban Can't Silence Malala who Celebrates 16th Birthday with Defiant UN Address

The Pakistani child education activist who was shot in the head nine months ago by Taliban militants celebrated her 16th birthday by delivering a speech at the United Nations. Speaking to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the 500 youth and dignitaries gathered, Malala Yousafzai said that the gunmen could not silence her because knowledge and education is more powerful than their bullets.

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Love With a Side of Fries: McDonald's Inspired High School Sweethearts Marry After 30 Years

The McDonald's in Crystal, Minnesota brings back golden memories to Steve Rydberg going clear back to the 1960s when he met his high school sweetheart while flipping burgers there. This week he celebrated a reunion with the girl for whom he was so smitten as a teen -- a reunion that led to love and marriage in his near-golden years. Hiding behind the McDonald's grill, he surprised his wife returning to the place they first met. (Video)

Santa and Mrs. Claus Reside in Utah, Toymakers Deliver 1 Million Handmade Gifts Worldwide

17 years ago, a retired couple in Utah started making handmade wooden toys for poor and sick children. The little cars and trucks were received so enthusiastically in the local hospital, a workshop was set up which has since delivered more than 1.1 million toys to kids around the world -- a place where volunteers come to laugh and give their time in an effort to make kids happy around the globe.

12 Year-old Recycling Entrepreneur and Philanthropist

At the ripe old age of 12, Sam Klein is a dedicated CEO of his own recycling business. He collects empty printer ink cartridges from local businesses, keeping them from the landfills, while earning hundreds of dollars by sending them back to manufacturers. Even more impressive, Sam has given more than $1,000 to charity.

Young People Cheating Less These Days, Report Finds

Cheating, lying and stealing among American students are all less prevalent nowadays, according to a new report. The 2012 Report Card on the Ethics of American Youth suggests that young people's morals have improved in recent years.

Obama Writes Excuse for 11-year-old who Missed School to Attend Speech

11-year old Tyler Sullivan never made it into school on Friday, but he has a pretty good excuse. After the boy and his dad watched a presidential speech in the front row at the Honeywell factory, the Minnesota boy was shocked when President Obama offered a hand-written note to give his teacher for excusing the absence.

On Their Own: Musings From an Empty Nester

This morning a baby bird fell out of its nest just outside the window that is near my desk. My mind wandered to images of my youngest son, a college freshman. Was this child ready to leave the nest or did I rush him out?

Returned Wallet Restores Mother's 'Faith in Humanity'

Every once and a while someone does something that restores your faith in humanity. That is how Dayton-area mom, Andy Robinson of Bellbrook, said she felt when two Fairborn students found the wallet her son lost at a high school football game and didn't rest until they returned

Teen Uses Fibonacci Sequence to Make Solar Energy Breakthrough

Aidan Dwyer is just 13 years old but is already a patented inventor of solar panel arrangements. He noticed a pattern one day in the tangled mess of branches above him and began to investigate whether there is a secret formula in tree design and whether the purpose of the spiral pattern is to collect sunlight better.

Making Wishes Come True for Foster Children

An organization called One Simple Wish has granted the wishes of more than 3,000 foster children providing a small piece of comfort and joy to kids still in need of a permanent family. Some wishes are important, like music lessons, but some are small, asking for crayons, or backpacks, which gives people of all incomes the opportunity to bless a foster child, especially during the holidays. See the list and grant a wish on the website, www.onesimplewish.org.