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Showing 401 - 420 of 754 Posts

El Salvador's Gang Truce Cuts Murder Rate Dramatically

Gang leaders in El Salvador declared an unprecedented truce that authorities say has cut the homicide rate in half in just four months. In March, rival gangs surprised the country by releasing a joint statement declaring an end to violence and pledging to freeze recruitment of new adolescent members, especially in poor neighborhoods and around schools. Since then, the change has been dramatic.

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Dalai Lama Visits Hawaii, Talks up Peace Through the "Power of Aloha"

The Dalai Lama brought his message of peace and compassion -- and his trademark humor -- to Hawaii, celebrating the coming together of two native cultures. Similar to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, the indigenous culture of Hawaii has its own inherent spirituality. He calls it compassion. We call it Aloha, said one participant at the events sponsored by eBay founder, Pierre Omidyar.

Good News From Greece Fills New Positive Website

With all the disheartening news bombarding the Greek people over the past year, a new website has been launched to offer some relief. Good News Greece purports to be the first news agency to highlight the positive side of what is happening in Greece.

(WATCH) Israeli Soldiers Dance with Palestinians While on Patrol

A group of Israeli soldiers has danced up a storm of criticism after they were filmed boogying alongside Palestinians while on patrol in the West Bank. The soldiers were making their rounds in the city of Hebron last week when they entered a dance hall and joined dozens of Palestinian men dancing to the hit Gangnam Style.

Across Israel, Arabs and Jews Live Together in Peace

This video was created in order to show a side of Israel that the media doesn't show. All across Israel, both Arabs and Jews are living together peacefully in the hopes that someday the conflict will be resolved. So next time you hear about Israel in the news, think about the side of Israel that they are choosing not to show you.