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Rewards of Federal Service

Those who make sport out of denigrating the federal workforce should meet the winners of this year's Samuel Heyman 'Service to America Medals'. For the 10th year, public servants were honored at a black-tie gala, presented by the nonprofit Partnership for Public Service.

For American Workers, A Week Stuffed With Good News

As we reported recently, the U.S. economy is continuing to gain steam. Housing, manufacturing, auto sales rates have all been rising. This week has also been a great one for workers: The Labor Department said Friday that employers created 203,000 jobs last month, sending the unemployment rate tumbling by three-tenths of a point to 7 percent — the lowest level since 2008.

Goodwill Worker Finds $43,000 in Donated Clothing

A manager of the Goodwill Store in Monroe, Michigan was cleaning out the pockets of a donated jacket this week when he found a bright blue envelope containing bundles of hundred-dollar bills. Tyler Gedelian didn't even count it before turning over the cash to police. He told WWJ-TV in Detroit that he never even considered keeping any of the money.

Patagonia Converts to Fair Trade

In partnership with Fair Trade certifiers in the United States, Patagonia has begun to convert its entire collection - starting with 10 pieces of women's athletic and fall apparel. By fall of next year it will include 165 styles. Patagonia's pursuit of Fair Trade is part of a larger strategy in addressing fair wages in their supply chain.

Tip of a Lifetime: Three Lucky Waitresses Get $5,000 Checks

The Boone County Family Restaurant in Rockford, Illinois has some very happy workers today. Three waitresses there, each in their 20's, stared in disbelief Saturday as a blond-haired woman inexplicably handed them three $5,000 checks. Despite their protestations, the generous diner, whose identity is being kept a secret, insisted that she and the other waitresses take it.

Photo of the Day - Baseball, Apple Pie and Labor Day!

Today is Labor Day in the United States, for more than a century, a national holiday on the first Monday in September meant to honor the work -- and economic achievements -- of laborers and labor unions. Organizing by unions, and many workers losing their lives in the 19th and 20 century, helped win standards that most Americans enjoy and take for granted today, including the 40-hour work week, 8-hour day, and mandatory worker safety requirements.

Four States Voted to Raise Minimum Wage

Voters in four states approved measures Tuesday to raise the minimum wage for workers. The ballot initiative in Alaska received 69 percent of the vote; in Arkansas, 65 percent; in Nebraska, 59 percent; and in South Dakota, the margin was 53 percent.

Lowe's Employees Jump to Help, Fix Disabled Vet's Broken Wheelchair 

Michael Sulsona, who lost both his legs after stepping on a land mine as a soldier in Vietnam, was lucky to be in his neighborhood Lowe's hardware store recently when his wheelchair broke down. Three employees stayed an hour past the store's closing time to fix the old wheelchair, and did so without any charge to the Marine veteran.