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Tip of a Lifetime: Three Lucky Waitresses Get $5,000 Checks

Tip of a Lifetime: Three Lucky Waitresses Get $5,000 Checks
The Boone County Family Restaurant in Rockford, Illinois has some very happy workers today. Three waitresses there, each in their 20's, stared in disbelief Saturday as a blond-haired woman inexplicably handed them three $5,000 checks. Despite their protestations, the generous diner, whose identity is being kept a secret, insisted that she and the other waitresses take it.

The Boone County Family Restaurant in Rockford, Illinois has some very happy workers today.

Three waitresses there, each in their 20's, "stared in disbelief Saturday as a blond-haired woman inexplicably handed them three $5,000 checks."

Despite their protestations, the generous diner, whose identity is being kept a secret, insisted that she and the other waitresses take it.

"I want you girls to take these to help with school and everything else in life," the woman said firmly. "You put that in your pocket. God sent me here to help you."

(READ the story from the Rockford Register Star)

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