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Young Wrangler Charges Grizzly to Save Boy

A young woman on a big horse guiding a group of clients on a ride through Glacier National Park likely saved a boy's life while proving that skill, quick-thinking and guts sometimes are the best weapons against a head-on charging bear.

England's Forests to be Saved, Not Sold

Having dropped a policy allowing state-owned English woodland to be sold to the private sector, the government is now committing instead to preserving it for future generations. Environment secretary Owen Paterson announced in January 2013 that a previous policy of selling off 15% of the public forest to raise funds was to be dropped and an independent public body created to hold them in trust.

Bear Saves Man in Mountain Lion Attack

A man says he is lucky to be alive after an attack by a mountain lion Monday morning while he was hiking in California. After a mountain lion pounced on him, a mother bear came from behind and jumped on the cat, tearing its grip from the man's backpack.