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El Salvador's Gang Truce Cuts Murder Rate Dramatically

Gang leaders in El Salvador declared an unprecedented truce that authorities say has cut the homicide rate in half in just four months. In March, rival gangs surprised the country by releasing a joint statement declaring an end to violence and pledging to freeze recruitment of new adolescent members, especially in poor neighborhoods and around schools. Since then, the change has been dramatic.

It's Time for a Hero: Lincoln Opens in Theaters Friday to Gushing Reviews

Just when the American people may be exhausted from presidential politics, along comes Lincoln. Steven Spielberg's highly anticipated film, set during the last, tumultuous few months of Abraham Lincoln's life, shows a man who is passionate, intelligent and heroic. Reviews are gushing over Daniel Day-Lewis's work in the film, which opens nationwide on Friday.

US Delegation Remembers Holocaust Hero Wallenberg in Hungary

On a chilly day, a United States Congressional delegation and other officials laid a wreath at the Budapest monument to Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, who is credited with saving the lives of as many as 100,000 Hungarian Jews during World War II. Friday's commemoration in Hungary's capital was part of a series of events marking the Raoul Wallenberg Year commemorating the centennial of his birth.