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Viewer's Generosity Changes Afghan Boy's Life

Caught in an Afghanistan firefight, 12 year-old Obaid lost both his legs, but refused to give up. He was being measured for prosthetics by the Red Cross when NBC News first featured his story in a televised report. A Boston-area grandmother was touched by what she saw and decided to help from 7000 miles away.

Hundreds of Strangers Flock to Funeral for WWII Soldier Who Died Alone

His death at 99, one of the last survivors of successful British battles of World War II, might have been a lonely service in an almost empty chapel. But on Monday, after a newspaper appeal led to an internet campaign highlighting the forgotten war veteran, hundreds of people who never knew him came to pay their respects at his funeral – poignantly held at 11am on Armistice Day, 11/11

WWII Letters Reveal Parents' Untold Love Story

As Darrow Beaton was dying from lung cancer in 2008, the World War II veteran mailed his eldest daughter four boxes of family photos. Hidden away under those photos were hundreds of love letters, some nine pages long, single spaced on a typewriter. They were on onionskin and fancy hotel stationery. There were postcards and telegrams -- all written between December 1941 and November 1945. Beaton, a private man, had never revealed any details about his past.