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Potential Diplomatic Breakthrough on Syria Chemical Weapons

Russia and France are working on plans for bringing Syria's chemical weapons under international control, after the idea emerged as a way to address the threat of chemical attacks in the country and potentially avoid U.S military strikes. U.S. President Barack Obama has called the Russian plan to put Syria's stockpile under international control a potential breakthrough and stressed that he overwhelmingly prefers diplomacy in deterring Syria's use of chemical weapons. Meanwhile, the Syrian Foreign Minister endorsed the Russian plan, saying it would be a way to avoid what he called U.S. aggression.

Chad Backs Darfur Peace Talks

Chad offered its support on Friday for UN-led efforts to bring peace to neighbouring Sudan's troubled Darfur region by hosting a conference for rebel groups, President Idriss Deby said.

Bulgarian Economy Turns From Making Guns to Growing Roses

A valley in Bulgaria's mountains, for decades known for making AK-47 rifles, now has blossomed into a supplier of organic rose oil for beauty products, reviving a centuries' old industry. Every morning at dawn hundreds of villagers hustle through fields of rose bushes to pick fresh blooms still damp with morning dew.

Burundi Signs Ceasefire Deal With Rebels

Burundi's government and last active rebel group, the National Liberation Forces (FNL), have signed a ceasefire.In the deal signed on Monday morning, both parties agreed to stop the fighting -- which has killed 100 people since April.

Mine-free Farms for First Time Since 1974 in Guinea-Bissau

For 35 years, hundreds of villagers living in northern Guinea-Bissau have been too scared to cultivate the land around their villages for fear of exploding landmines. But now, HUMAID, an international NGO, has cleared three-quarters of the 98,000 sqm of contaminated land.

Serbia Apologizes for '91 Wartime Massacre

Serbian President Boris Tadic apologized Thursday at the site where more than 200 Croats were massacred in wartime atrocities. Tadic said he came to bow down before the victims. His Croatian counterpart also laid a wreath at the graveyard of 18 Serbs killed by Croats.