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Mormons Skip Church for Weeks to Volunteer for Families Flooded by Sandy

Thousands of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints volunteered for weeks following Hurricane Sandy, assisting the devastated families in digging out their flooded homes. A beautiful video was made on November 11th, when thousands of these church members cancelled their Sunday services and arrived by air, bus and train from all across the country to help.

Pioneering Surgery Lets 3 Brothers Smile for First Time, Now They're Giving Back

The three Lori brothers were born with a rare condition called facial paralysis, which meant they couldn't close their mouths, show facial expressions or even smile. After dozens of doctors told them there was no hope for their sons, the family found Dr. Ronald Zuker, the pediatric plastic surgeon who pioneered a muscle transplant surgery. And that's just the first of the good news in this story.