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Former Corporate Shark Feeds The Hungry

David Gerson drives an aging Volvo station wagon with a coffee stain on the passenger seat --hardly the type of car usually driven by successful corporate tax lawyers who negotiate billion-dollar mergers in Silicon Valley. David, 62, however, is what some might call a reformed lawyer. That 25-year law career never quite fulfilled him, so in 2011 he took a job feeding the poor.

College Professor Gives Half His Income to Charity

Richard Semmler, a mathematics professor at Northern Virginia Community College, works two jobs to earn enough money to give away half of the $100,000 income he earns each year. In addition to his monetary donations, Mr. Semmler volunteers every Monday night to help serve meals at the Central Union Mission, in Washington, DC.

Chicago Man Wins Lottery Because He Came to Serve in Post-Storm Sandy Cleanup

John Turner, who owns a Chicago business specializing in pumping water and cleaning out buildings following disasters, traveled to the East Coast immediately after Hurricane Sandy hit. Turner was shocked by the devastation and even emptied out flooded homes free of charge after seeing how some families without flood insurance were completely wiped out. It must have felt like a reward from heaven when he bought a lottery ticket in New Jersey and it turned out to be a $100,000 winner.

Volunteers Rush in to Help Devastated Region Recover

Hundreds of doctors, firefighters, emergency personnel and volunteers are converging on the East Coast to help devastated areas with recovery efforts. Trent Smith, from Indiana expects to spend the coming days working long hours with little sleep, but he said the work will have its own rewards.

She Sews Superhero Capes for Cancer Crusaders

Barbara Casados only uses her sewing machine for one thing -- a very special thing. She makes sick children feel better by giving them personalized Superhero capes. It started when she tried to solve the daily fights with her son over wearing clothes to school. She bribed him with the promise of a crusader's cape. Next, she sewed them as a business. But when someone came to her about making them for kids in a cancer ward -- 65 kids -- she couldn't say no to a single one of them.

Holiday Heroes: Foster Kids Feel Her Love Each Year

Knowing that even if a foster child is placed with a family, it doesn't guarantee a Christmas gift under the tree, Frances Smith for 15 years has used her annual vacation to amass new dolls, clothes, bikes, and games for every child in the foster care system of Coweta County, Georgia.