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Before Death, Owner Donated 1000 Segways to US Troops

One week after the Segway company's owner died while riding one of the two-wheeled transporters, he was scheduled to be honored for providing 1,000 Segways, worth $5 million, to wounded American troops. The Segway has literally transformed the lives of hundreds of veterans by offering unprecedented mobility, without the limitations of wheelchairs.

Hero Who Predicted 9/11 and Saved 2,700 Lives, Now Subject of New Opera

A new Opera called "Heart of a Soldier" brings to life the drama of Rick Rescorla's heroic rescue of his co-workers at the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. Of the almost 2,700 Morgan Stanley employees, only four perished that day, thanks to the instincts of this war veteran and hero who had predicted an attack from the air.

Groundbreaking Prescription Calls for Video Game to Treat Pain

A U.S. Army Ranger endured more than two dozen painful surgeries, after being severely burned by an improvised explosive device in Afghanistan. He was deeply concerned about growing dependent on the addictive painkilling narcotics he needed to take. So, his doctor suggested something completely unexpected to relieve his pain: a video game.

War Amputee Flashes New Limbs After Historic Double Arm Transplant

A quadruple-amputee GI proudly showed off his two newly transplanted arms last week by using them to push his wheelchair into a press conference — then vowed to drive a car again. "The arms feel great!" said beaming Iraq War vet Brendan Marrocco, as he displayed his new limbs at Johns Hopkins Hospital, where he underwent the extraordinary double transplant Dec. 18.

Operation Gratitude Gives Ford F-150 Keys to Female Sailor (UPDATE)

A monumental milestone passed this week as Operation Gratitude handed over the millionth package to a lucky military service member aboard ship at sea. Hundreds of sailors assembled on deck to receive their boxes filled with goodies, but only one got the special package, loaded with extra gifts donated by businesses back home, as we reported on Tuesday.

NYC Lampost Mosaic Artist Gets Boost from Unlikely Partner

Vietnam vet Jim Power is a local celebrity in New York City known for his eclectic and colorful mosaic work on lampposts throughout the East Village. He calls them his Mosaic Trail, each one is unique, and in 2004 the city gave him permission to continue his work on the city's property.

Veteran Surprised by Combat Partner- A Yellow Lab Named Casey He Vowed to Adopt

On this Memorial Day, here is a heart-warming story about a soldier who vowed to take care of his partner if they both escaped Afghanistan alive. Marine Sgt. Ross Gundlach made that promise to a canine bomb-sniffer, a loving co-worker he felt especially indebted to. His persistent pleas with Iowa officials about adoption eventually earned empathy, and an elaborate surprise.

8-Year-old Girl Wouldn't Stop Until Old Soldier Got His Medals

When elderly veteran Charles Mowbray came to her primary school to talk about his experience in World War II, Leanna Morris wondered why he didn't bring his medals. He only brought pictures of medals. When she learned it was because her government forgot to send them, she wrote a letter to her senator. This week the girl was honored at a school assembly. The letter had worked.

Local Hero's Story Prompts Huge Volunteer Effort

A man who rose from humble beginnings in Nigeria to become a U.S. Army-trained combat medic and the recipient of 13 military awards earned during two deployments in Afghanistan was shocked this week when he learned his New Jersey town was honoring him in a huge way.