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Toastmaster Convicts Travel To Schools

Members of the Voices of Distinction Toastmasters club of Lafayette Parish Correctional Center in Louisiana wanted to give back to their community by showing youngsters the way to stay out of prison so they've spoken to 25,000 schools kids.

Woman Can Buy Her Home Thanks to the Honesty of a Stranger

On January 10, a Portland woman dropped in a store parking lot an envelope containing $2,000 in cash and a $38,000 cashier's check. It was the down payment she needed for a house. Lucky for her, Brian DiCarlo, a 23-year-old aspiring teacher, found the envelope.

WS Post Inspires 73 Shoeboxes Filled With Goodies for Homeless

When a Nevada graphics manager saw a Good News Network post in November about a woman in Canada who runs a shoebox project for women in shelters, something in the article stuck with her. For a month she said, I kept reading it and thought, 'Maybe I could do something similar.' She decided to fill up as many shoeboxes for the homeless as she could -- with a goal of filling 50 boxes for Christmas.

Couple Stranded in Snow for a Week Wrote Farewell Letters

A Wisconsin couple on vacation huddled together for days eating what food they'd brought in the car after they became trapped in deep snow on a closed pass near Yellowstone Park in Wyoming. Fearing her life might be over, Kris Wathke used notebook paper stowed in her purse to write letters to all her loved ones telling them how much they meant to her.

Good Samaritan Aids Traveler on his way to Damascus

When Jackie related the incident to her son, he flipped. “Are you crazy? Haven’t you heard of car-jackers!!” She said it never crossed her mind. It felt from the start that it was right. “I knew I was meant to help this young man. I had no fear.