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Amazing Photo: Egyptians Send Support to Wisconsin Protestors

A photo uploaded to his Twitter account by Zack Farley shows a demonstrator in Egypt holding a sign that reads, Egypt Supports Wisconsin Workers. Standing amidst Egyptian flags waved in support of his people's victory over an oppressive regime, the young man's yellow sign sums up the modern internet age: One World, One Pain.

Dozens of Global Clothiers Sign Bangladesh Work Safety Accord

Dozens of international companies have made a legal commitment to improve safety in Bangladesh's garment factories, in the wake of last month's building collapse that killed more than 1,100 people. The decision last week by major retailers in Europe such as Inditex, Carrefour and H&M, to sign the fire-and-safety agreement was in many ways unprecedented, said the spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Rupert Colville.

Firefighter Revives Family Pet, Mouth to Snout

When his fellow firefighters carried an unconscious Labrador retriever out of a burning house on Tuesday, Jamie Giese had no medical equipment to revive him. So he went with something he had only seen on TV -- mouth-to-snout respiration.

NBA Owners, Players Reach Tentative Deal

After nearly two years of bickering, NBA players and owners are back on the same side. The sides reached a tentative agreement early Saturday to end the 149-day lockout and hope to begin the delayed season with a marquee triple-header Dec. 25.

Chrysler Third Quarter Net Profit is up 80%

Chrysler Group LLC reported a net profit of $381 million for the third quarter of 2012 on Monday, up 80 percent from the $212 million profit the company reported for the same period a year ago. The results mean that the United Auto Workers employed in Chrysler's factories will next year likely receive their signing bonus of $1,750

Patagonia Converts to Fair Trade

In partnership with Fair Trade certifiers in the United States, Patagonia has begun to convert its entire collection - starting with 10 pieces of women's athletic and fall apparel. By fall of next year it will include 165 styles. Patagonia's pursuit of Fair Trade is part of a larger strategy in addressing fair wages in their supply chain.

Photo of the Day - Baseball, Apple Pie and Labor Day!

Today is Labor Day in the United States, for more than a century, a national holiday on the first Monday in September meant to honor the work -- and economic achievements -- of laborers and labor unions. Organizing by unions, and many workers losing their lives in the 19th and 20 century, helped win standards that most Americans enjoy and take for granted today, including the 40-hour work week, 8-hour day, and mandatory worker safety requirements.

Ironworkers Paint Names on Beams for Children in Hospital Windows

Looking out of the windows of Seattle Children's hospital, patients eagerly search for new names painted on steel beams by union workers constructing a 7-story building across the street. It all started a few weeks ago when one of the ironworkers painted a beam in tribute to a teenager who had died at the hospital. Then, It went viral.