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Couple Stumbles Upon $10 million in Buried Old Coins

During the California gold rush of the 1800's, what did people do with their treasure when banks were rare, and sometimes untrustworthy? They buried it. Now a middle-aged couple has staked a claim to part of the state's legendary gold treasure after walking the dog on their rural property in Northern California and noticing a buried can jutting out of the ground near a tree.

Possible da Vinci Painting Found in Scottish Farmhouse; Could be Worth $150 million

An old painting, which shows a woman embracing a young child, was nearly thrown out on several occasions, but Fiona McLaren, 59, from Scotland decided to seek an appraisal recently after financial difficulties forced her to look for new resources. Auctioneer Harry Robertson, the director of Sotheby's in Scotland, gasped when he saw the artwork which had been given to her father by one of his patients.

Family Discovers Trove of Old Baseball Cards in Mint Condition, Could Fetch Millions

A 51-year-old man was cleaning out the contents of an old house that belonged to his grandfather and found a soot-covered box that had been tucked away in the attic for a hundred years. Inside he found hundreds of new baseball cards bundled with twine, including 16 mint-condition 'Ty Cobbs'. They remained untouched for a century, making them perhaps the most significant sports card find in history.