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Historian Believes the Holy Grail and Lost Ark of the Covenant May be Hidden Under This House in English Countryside

Historian Believes the Holy Grail and Lost Ark of the Covenant May be Hidden Under This House in English Countryside
Historian David Adkins believes he found the secret location of the Holy Grail and Ark of the Covenant—under the Staffordshire Sinai House.

A real-life Indiana Jones believes he may have found the secret location of the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant—under a house in Staffordshire.

Historian and anthropologist David Adkins is convinced that priceless treasures, which were taken from Jerusalem in 1307, were stashed beneath Sinai Park House in Burton-on-Trent.

He claims to have uncovered links between the property and the Knights Templar who concealed the mythical Ark and Grail centuries ago.

David is now hoping to search the labyrinth of tunnels beneath the 14th century house to prove the Holy Grail was hidden there.

"I've been researching it for 34 years, so I've really got a complete history of the place and looked into archives that no one had touched before," said the 50-year-old.

"There are so many pointers that when Knights Templar left La Rochelle in 1307 we know they had a treasure. There are theories about Oak Island in Nova Scotia and Roslyn Chapel in Scotland but it has never been found."

"Sinai House is the most obvious place once you get inside the mind of a medieval Templar," he says. "The name Sinai really shouts at you from the pages of history because you have got no other ancient house with that name."

The two key points for Adkins is the labyrinth of natural tunnels and caves and the timing of when Burton Abbey monks took possession of that house—at the same time as the Templars were trying to conceal that hoard.

"A geologist once told me that there were caverns as big as Westminster Abbey beneath the house," he told the Express.

In 1880, a dig took place in the Sinai House tunnels and archaeologists reached half-a-mile underground before being ‘forced back by fumes'. The cellar's stone archway has remained bricked up since.

The opening was sealed with bricks – SWNS

"We know there is really strong evidence they brought manuscripts and gold from the Temple of Solomon in 1307. I think they adapted the tunnels to conceal whatever they brought from Jerusalem."

David said the family living in Sinai House at the time left in the early 1300s, and Burton Abbey then took over the property, which was hidden by Needham Forest atop a hill that drops into the Trent Valley.

Kate Murphy, the current owner has now given David permission to search the vast caverns under her home in a bid to solve the mystery. The researcher, who previously made headlines when he tracked down a 10,000-year-old skull known as ‘Greta', wants to start his search with a geophysical scan.

Murphy, 56, bought the house in 1994 for £50,000. It is nationally designated as a Grade II historical building— which means it is of ‘special interest warranting every effort to preserve' it.


"It's a hugely important site and I first saw it with my late husband David in 1990 because we liked timber framed houses.

"I'm totally wedded to the idea that there is something there," she told SWNS. "I think the theory is very good, well researched and I'm very impressed by David's work."

"I'm very excited about it and it's not cynicism about the story that I think it is unlikely something will be found – that is because of the inaccessibility of the tunnels.

"There is plenty more evidence in the house like the wall paintings of the tabernacle that there is something going on.

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