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Canadian Researchers Create Wireless Charger for Electric Cars

Researchers at the University of British Columbia say they've found a way around the nuisance and potential danger of repeatedly having to plug in an electric car to get it moving again. The university's physics department says it has developed a way to wirelessly recharge the vehicle.

Safer Bike Helmet Crumples Before You Stop, Inspired by a Bird

The unique design of a woodpecker and the cycling crash where he landed on his head has led Londoner Anirudha Surabhi to come up with a more effective design for a bike helmet. The woodpecker pecks at about ten times per second and every time it pecks it sustains the same amount of force as us crashing at 50 miles per hour, says Surabhi. It's the only bird in the world where the skull and the beak are completely disjointed, and there's a soft corrugated cartilage in the middle that absorbs all the impact.

$500 Million Investment of Filling Stations for Hydrogen Fuel-cell Cars

Daimler and five oil and industrial gas companies will invest about 350 million euros ($500 million) on a network of hydrogen filling stations for fuel-cell electric vehicles in Germany over the next 10 years, they said on Monday. Fuel-cell cars are seen by many in the industry as the best long-term solution to lowering carbon emissions in cars.

Oslo Turns Food Waste into Fuel for Buses

A plant in Oslo, Norway began converting household food waste into liquid biogas last week, enough fuel to run a clean fleet of 135 city buses. As a result, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions will be reduced by some 10,000 tons each year, and particulate matter cut as well.

Dubai Metro Stations Will Double as Art Museums

The Dubai Metro stations are being turned into art museums to display artworks and creations from different themes and cultures, by order of the city's royal sheikh. The trains will also be decorated inside and out to reflect the project.

Inventing a Second Life for the Spent Electric Car Battery

Researchers acknowledge that any rechargeable battery from an electric car will gradually lose its capacity to store energy a time. That's why a number of projects and new ventures (by Nissan and GM) are already under way to explore second-life applications for lithium-ion batteries