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Showing 81 - 100 of 111 Posts

Olympic Champ Missy Franklin Dedicates 4 Gold Medals to her Grieving Hometown, Aurora, Colo.

17 year-old swimmer Missy Franklin is being called the new Michael Phelps, after winning four gold medals and a bronze in London and competing in almost every different stroke. While training overseas, she heard about the tragic shooting at a Batman movie premiere in her hometown of Aurora, Colorado. She vowed to do all she could to inspire her neighbors and friends back home, and her performance last week proves she delivered.

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Boston Marathon Winner Returns Medal to the City

The 2013 Boston Marathon champion, Lelisa Desisa of Ethiopia, gave his championship medal to the City of Boston Sunday on behalf of all the runners and to honor the victims of the bombing that day in April. Lelisa's return to Boston marked yet another admirable gesture witnessed by the city in the weeks following the marathon.

Pit Bull Hailed Hero, Saves Family and Pets From Fire

A family of five lost everything in their Oklahoma home in a fire Tuesday but they survived and escaped with just minutes to spare thanks to an old pit bull named Baby. The dog would not stop barking and pouncing until the woman woke up to see the danger getting closer. Not only did Baby save the family, she went back into the house to gather up the other five dogs still inside, dragging them out one by one.

Czechs Send $200K to Blast-hit Texas Town

The Czech Republic plans to donate $200,000 to help the Texas town of West recover from a devastating fertilizer plant explosion. The government decided to provide the aid in solidarity because a significant number of people in the town of 2,700 have Czech roots.

Hurricane Katrina Hero Noticed by 'Hardcore Heroes' and Will Smith

Ex-marine John Keller says he wasn't trying to be a hero when he used a kayak, a hotwired boat and an air mattress — along with his smarts and brawn — to fend off thugs and save more than 200 people in his New Orleans apartment building during Hurricane Katrina. Keller's Herculean story is one of two in the first episode of Proper Television's new series Hardcore Heroes, which premiered in January on History.