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30 Companies Join "Meathead Movers" to Aid Domestic Abuse Victims

30 Companies Join "Meathead Movers" to Aid Domestic Abuse Victims
In the two weeks since our story ran, 30 businesses and counting have volunteered their services—Meathead Movers has even had to hire someone to keep track.

On September 10, Good News Network brought you the story of Meathead Movers, a California company that has been helping women to flee abusive relationships with all of their belongings, free of charge.

The day before the story ran, the movers had launched a plea asking other businesses to "get creative" and help victims of domestic violence. Their #MoveToEndDV campaign was meant to inspire others to rethink how they can work with shelters, or help women and men directly as they rebuild their lives following domestic violence.

Already 30 businesses have volunteered their services, including four different moving companies. Also stepping up, a pet-sitting business, a mortgage banker who will provide financial literacy classes at a local shelter, a massage therapist who wants to melt their stress away, and 23 others.

"I have to assign one of my employees full-time just to get support for the inquiries we've received around the world after your story," Co-Founder Aaron Steed told Good News Network..

Their mission has also spurred overseas companies to volunteer: an Australian security services company is offering to install "panic buttons" so victims can click a button to request assistance during high stress situations.

"If you get a little creative you can make a huge impact of real value for those in need," said Aaron. "Even if you're not a business, if you have creative ways to give back please share it on the pledge page."

Above all, Aaron is excited to be able to show victims of domestic violence—and their abusers—that there are options for support.

"These women are completely abandoning their life as they know it and trying to rebuild from scratch, and businesses are rallying together for them," Aaron said. "We want them to know that people in the community have their back. We want to do this is communities all over the country."

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As for donations, the Steed brothers are asking people to donate to their local shelters.

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