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Mystery Knitter Ties Scarves Around Statues in Frigid Canada

An anonymous do-gooder trying to keep Ottawa residents warm has been leaving dozens of handmade scarves outside wrapped around the necks of city statues, brightening the landscape of Canada's war heroes. In response to deeply frigid temps in Ontario, the scarves include friendly notes that read: "I am not lost! If you are stuck out in the cold, take this scarf to keep warm."

Gas Pump Camera Ambushes Couple Whose Singing Lands Them on the Tonight Show

Would you sing a song if asked by a voice in a gas pump? ... This guy did, and his magnetic performance so impressed Jay Leno that he was invited to sing on TV in front of millions. Responding to a Tonight Show stunt set up in a suburban gas station, Will Sims belted out Bon Jovi's Livin' on a Prayer while his wife howled with laughter in the car. (WATCH) https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/recreation/celebrities/ga